Freddie mac lookup tool for harp

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On the other hand, job creating is the primo issue. Repeal HVCC and LO Comp and let the markets handle reality, institute a merger of all the government mortgage agencies into one and have a set of guidelines that private investors can have as just a backstop to finance real loans. But, let’s have a full on HARP program, not the joke that Fannie and Freddie has make of it. There is not a lot of reason to buy the broad stock market for return right now and the plethora of spec money goes to tech. Why? Because of government layoffs to satisfy both budgets and the will of some constituents and the lack of construction jobs nationwide.Īdd that to the EuroMess that could make China and the U S suffer even more and what we might see is the flight to quality, the U S Treasury continue. Yes, there were bad unemployment creation numbers on Friday. With that being said, we could see the 30 year mortgage go to the 2’s. He predicted this morning that the 10 year would go to 1% (just like it is in Germany). Today, some people may think of Cramer as nuts. To quote Jim Cramer of CNBC, “Your Nuts, Get in the Game!”